W L T 6

About WarMatch

updated 8 years ago

Welcome to Warmatch, the best tool for elite clans

Track clan stats by capturing attack data

stats help

Competitive war clans can gain an advantage by tracking clan member performance. If you want to be a top war clan, you need great attackers and great defenders. With WarMatch, you can see exactly how a member is contributing to war on both offense and defense.

Clan member stats are based on last 10 wars (in some cases last 20 attacks). This allows players to see their improvement over time and allows players to opt-in/out of war as needed. WarMatch.Us will also track participation in war so you can manage your clan effectively.

Owners have full control over the privacy of their clan data. By default, we hide recent war enemies and start/end times of wars to prevent hunting, base research, etc.

Finally, we automatically build a profile for each user and you can track gold weight so leaders can plan scrims, civil wars, and epic war matches.

Clan management

Active clans are very dynamic. Keep tabs by tracking members that are active, guest, inactive, striked, banned, and on break.

G Guest
T Tryout
B On Break
Inactive (gone)
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call base

Call bases during war

If you've been using clash caller (or other tools), WarMatch.Us has similar functionality for calling bases during war. Warmatch will automatically cancel calls as attack data is captured or bases are 3-starred.

Easily capture attack data

We connect with Supercell to automatically load data for your current war. This allows quick war setup of both your lineup and the enemy lineup.

With the fast attack refresh feature, we can continuously (~10min) load the attack data for you.

If you want to input the attacks manually, we support quick codes to make that easy. We recommend having members log their own attacks and dedicate a couple editors (elders) with keyboards to log the defenses.

Add wmbot to GroupMe and Discord

We have a bot, wmbot that can be added to your war channel. This bot is specifically for interacting with warmatch. You may wish to combine with a more general purpose bot. Most clans put this bot into a dedicated channel.

To setup the bot, open the clan setup tab, and choose "Chat bot agents" from the setup menu.

The bot has really useful commands such as the !wm kudos which will show the top scorers in war.

Track league progress

We track many top leagues so you can track top clans as they compete at the highest level. We also provide top attacker data and let you see all the details of each league match.

Coming soon, we'll have league commands so you can track the league directly from the bot.

Match other clans

Each clan can manage a calendar to arrange matches and friendly wars. Members can easily opt-in or opt-out of future wars and we automatically build a lineup from this information. We also collect gold weight data during this process so you can combine that with hero levels and ensure you get a fair match.

We have a public match listing where you can find another clan to match against. Or you can send a request directly for a private matchup.

Once you've matched, you can automatically draft a war with the match details.

Please visit our discord chat to request new features. We also track new/outstanding features on the changelog.


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