W L T 6

Live-stream league info

Elite feature

Get information about the ongoing league matches and get the stats for the war you are broadcasting.

This feature is beta. Please report any issues on discord.

Results Ticker beta

Warmatch tracks all the matches in the leagues (see league page) and periodically updates the results. These results are available in this streamlabs friendly text format.


The above endpoint provides the data. You need to know the league code and schedule code to get the results.

http://warmatch.us/leagues/invite/w5/results Try-it

Example for invite league, week 5

http://warmatch.us/leagues/invite/w5/results?separator=🔥 Try-it

You can tweak the separator character using the query string

Match Stats beta

Warmatch loads all of the attacks for every league match so we can provide a run-down of whats going on during the war.


The above endpoint provides the data. You need to know the league code, the schedule code, and the clan code to get the results.

http://warmatch.us/leagues/invite/w5/6S/stats Try-it

Example for invite league, week 5, for 6 Schlitzes vs EE

The format should be easy to parse where you can split the data on the = and the values on -.

League codes

invite premiere rising lite mlcww mlcwaq mlcwbk sll slp

Schedule codes (examples)

w11 p1 p2 p3

For more, see league setup → league codes tab.

Clan codes (examples)


For more, see league setup → league codes tab.

📢 Warmatch shout-outs are appreciated. I'm JarrettV on discord and you can call me JV on stream. Hit up discord if you have questions.